Friday, April 27, 2012

Pets, Dogs, Puppies! Oh My!

So I was looking at my friend Lindsey's blog and she did a blog post about what kind of dog she wants when she gets her own house/apartment and it got me thinking. What kind of dog would I want?? I've grown up with dogs. I had a huge Golden Retriever named Zach as a kid and now my family has a Yellow Lab named Zoe. (We like Z names apparently.)

I have always loved dogs, well big dogs. I'm not one of those people who really likes the little dogs you can fit in your hand or in a purse (seriously, why would you do that??) So I'm making a list of the types of dogs I would love to own in the future. I probably won't own all of them, but in the off chance I marry a farmer and own a huge piece of land, I'm prepared. I'm also including the possible names for each dog. I've done that for my future kids' names, so why not my future dogs?

Number 1 is a Yellow Lab. What's not to love about Labs? They're friendly, energetic and great family dogs. I know this is one dog I will have in the future, maybe even multiple times. When I get a Lab, I will get a girl and name her Casey.

Number 2 is a Red Golden Retriever. Yes red. My Golden Retriever as a kid was this gorgeous red color and I've wanted one ever since. This is another dog I know I will own. When I get a Golden Retriever, I will get a boy and name him Cooper.

Number 3 is a Rottweiler. Say what you will about this dog, but I love them. I know sometimes they're scary, but if they're trained properly they are amazingly friendly dogs. If I get a Rottweiler, I will get a boy and name him Rex.

Number 4 is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Do you see a theme here? I think I might like the retriever dogs. But they're just so cute! If I get a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, I will get a girl and name her Chessy. (clever, right?)

Number 5 is a Bernese Mountain Dog. I first saw this dog when I was in New York City on a mission trip. We were in Central Park and a guy with our group saw the dog and started playing with it. It was so cute! I fell in love. They look like big teddy bears. If I get a Bernese Mountain Dog, I will get a girl and name her Lyla.

Number 6 is a German Shepherd. Again, these dogs are sometimes scary, but I love them. They would be an incredible watch dog if I ever lived alone. If I get a German Shepard, I will get a boy and name him Jensen.