Monday, November 29, 2010

Dear roommate who will not be named...

I just have a few things to say to you:

1) I don't appreciate the fact that your boyfriend has been here EVERY weekend since the beginning of the semester. Can you not go to his school once? And secondly, how is he paying for gas to drive the two plus hours back and to school? I know we have our own rooms, but it makes me uncomfortable that he's always there.
2) I don't mind you using the things I brought for the kitchen, however I do have a problem with you leaving them in the sink for weeks at a time with food drying on them and letting them rust. I end up having to wash YOUR crap so that MY stuff doesn't rust. You are 21 years old. You should be able to wash out your crap and put it in the dishwasher! You don't even have to wash it by hand, we have a dishwasher! Just put it in the frickin' dishwasher!!
3) LOCK THE FRONT DOOR!! I know we're on the third floor, however it makes me super nervous that someone can just up and walk into our apartment because you don't lock it and take something.
4) I know that you took my tissues! I'm not stupid! I know they're tissues but you went in my room and took something without asking. If you needed the tissue box all you had to do was ask. I would have gladly given it to you...
5) You are not the only person living in the apartment!! Slamming the door at 12:30 am wakes people up!!
6) I did not appreciate the ambush with the "can she move in?' girl. It was totally rude and inconsiderate. Of course I have to say yes, she standing right there!

I really hope you are a better roommate to the next girls that move in...

Roommate who is so excited to move out in two weeks!!

Ok I'm done ranting now. I feel better :)

1 comment:

  1. Just know that you'll look back someday and laugh at this stuff. Everyone has bad roommate stories, and there is nothing more fun than sitting around trying to top one another with crazy experiences.
